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Preplix is committed to delivering the best educational experience to the students and making a clear understanding of the financial relations between the students and tutors. We understand that circumstances can change and you may need to request a refund. Our refund policy is intended to be fair and transparent, providing clarity for all our students. Please review the refund terms below:

1. Student subscription plan

  • Full refund: Students will be eligible for a 100% refund if the request is made within 10 days of the subscription plan being bought without any usage of credit.
  • Partial refund:
  • 75% Refund: If cancellation occurs between 10-20 days and no credits have been used, 75% of the subscription amount will be refunded.
  • 50% Refund: If cancellation occurs between 20-30 days and no credits have been used, 50% of the subscription amount will be refunded.
  • No refund: No refund will be provided if the cancellation occurs after 30 days from the date of subscription or if any credits have been used.

2. Class refund:

  • Teacher or Preplix Cancellation: 
  • If a class is cancelled by either the teacher or Preplix, a full refund of the class fee will be credited to the Preplix wallet.
  • If you experience technical difficulties that prevent you from accessing the course, please contact us within 7 days of encountering the issue. We will work with you to resolve the problem, and if a resolution cannot be found, you may be eligible for a refund or course credit.
  • Student Dissatisfaction:
  • If a student is dissatisfied with a class or unable to continue the course due to special circumstances such as medical issues or family emergencies, they may request a refund, which will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Preplix will communicate with both the student and the teacher before deciding on the refund. Refunds are limited to dissatisfaction with a maximum of three different teachers or classes.
  • We understand that unexpected situations can arise. If you are unable to, please contact our customer service team. Refunds in such cases will be considered on a case-by-case basis
  • Beyond three refund requests due to dissatisfaction, no further refunds will be provided for dissatisfaction with additional teachers or classes.

3. Class cancellation by student

Rescheduling or Cancellation:

  • Full Refund: If a student reschedules or cancels a class at least 48 hours before the scheduled time, a full refund will be provided.
  • Partial Refund: If the class is canceled or rescheduled within 48 hours of the class time, 50% of the class fee will be deducted.

4. Payments

The following are the payment methods available on the Preplix platform:

  • Visa/Mastercard
  • Google Pay
  • Paytm

5. Refund Request Process

To request a refund, please follow these steps:

  1. Contact us via email at
  2. Provide your full name, course name, tutor name, and purchase date.
  3. Explain the reason for your refund request.
  4. Allow up to 7 business days for our team to review and process your request.

6. Refund Disbursement

Approved refunds will be processed within 30 business days. Refunds will be issued to the original payment method used at the time of purchase. Please note that it may take additional time for the refund to appear on your statement, depending on your bank or credit card issuer.

7. Tutor-Student Transactions

Preplix serves as a platform connecting students and tutors, enabling them to arrange and conduct tutoring sessions. While Preplix provides the tools for these transactions, it does not become a contractual party to agreements made between students and tutors. As such, Preplix does not assume responsibility for the quality or content of the tutoring services provided by tutors. It should be noted that Preplix does not oversee or verify the financial transactions or interactions between students and tutors.

8. Others

Preplix is not a banking institution or financial service provider and does not offer financial advice. Payments made through the Preplix platform are exclusively intended for facilitating the access and delivery of tutoring services between students and tutors. These payments must not be utilized for any fraudulent, criminal, or unlawful activities as defined by applicable law.